Yo Yo Yo this is me on a swing in Sandpoint Idaho. This trip was the first time I was away from my parents for a week with people other than family. I went with my friend(sister) Audrey and her Mom who I also call Mom, her dad and uncle. It was such a totally wicked awesome trip, I had the best time of my life. And to top it all off I got to ride a lawnmower, gather eggs, and get in to an ATV accident... I almost crushed my entier lower body and have a scar to boot! (but thats all a story for another time :D) Well anyways Audrey is most likely going to move there next year but im hoping she dosen't... I will miss her terribly than i will need to write a note to self (for those of you post sonny moore leaving fftl fans) Soooo ummmm yeeaahhh guuuyyys. I am done for now.
-Dani Stellar PEACE!
its good to know about it? where did you get that information?
you look like this girl i know...
she REALLY likes capitin jack.
and shes uber funny.
but just a tad bit...ODD.
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