So earlier today I made some muffins... well they were SUPPOSED to be cupcakes but... I was frostingless and cupcake tin/paperless so they were muffins. Just plain boring muffins. Oh wizzle :(
Next I did some laundry (WOW! EXCITING RIGHT?!?!?) Ohh yeah laundry! Then I sat on my butt and watched tv, Even better than laundry! (not)
Then I went outside to take out the trash... Even more exciting.
Now my dogs are whinig because they are hungry but I refuse to feed them for twenty more minutes because its no their dinner time yet.
This weekend Me and Sebastian (yes I knoe my grammer mistake) volunteered at the San Diego Film Festival but thats another post...
Yes I know you totally want to know all about my/our experiances blah blah blah whateva! You shall find out Eventually
So Thats It For Now.
Leter tonight I shall Post my reading journal :D
- Y Dani Stellar Y
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