Ok offtopicness it's nerd day YAY (that rhymes!) Anyways lets get onto my reading journal:
This weekend I continued the partial draft of Midnight sun that you can get on Stephanie Meyers website.
Ohh garsh, if you have been planning to read twilight or something or are reading it I don't want to give you spoilers... so i wont.
I will just tell you that if you loved
twilight then you will love midnight sun, because its like woahh thats what he was thinking and like yay! good things happen to all, it's just like yess. a breath of fresh air to know what was on his mind since he asked so many times.
Dear Kay,
I promise that by wednesday I will have a new more descriptive reading journal on a book I can talk about without ruining the readers exsperiance :D
- Peace Earthlings (I am a nerd so, I don't live on earth!)
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