Monday, October 6, 2008

Reading Journal.

Hello dear people,

So currently I am reading The Divine Secrets Of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood.

It is awesome, I read up to like page 40-50, which is very little for me but I was preoccupied with cleaning my room at the time.

So the book is obviously about some divine secrets from a sisterhood called the ya-ya's but I mean details? Hello?

Details you ask? Alright fine, if you insist.

So the ya-ya sister hood is Vivi (Siddalees mother) Caro, Teensy, And Nessie. And the divine secrets are well of course, their secrets. Some of wich can be found in a scrapbook Vivi has kept from over the years.

Well now, Siddalee(A.K.A. Sidda, A.A.K.A. Vivi's Daughter) Is the writer of some great play, and was interviewed about her life and her mother, and the journalist twists her words and comepletley bashes Vivi. So ofcourse Vivi is livid, and absoulutley Infuriated wth Sidda, So to makes things simple, shes not on speaking terms with her.

And thats it for now about my favorite parts, no need to spoil it for the rest of you.

But what I can tell you is that I love how the book goes back and forth through:

Vivis' current and past perspective, and Sidda's past and present(childhood) perspective.

With the switches it adds a reminicent tone to the book and sort of takes you back to good times.

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